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Software : Visual Effects

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Adobe After Effects Pro 6.0


Adobe After Effects 6.0 software sets the standard for motion graphics and visual effects. Powerful tools help you work faster and smarter to produce content for film, video, DVD, and the Web. And you... rating

Adobe Photoshop CS


The new version of Photoshop takes on several of the more useful and easy-to-use tools from its Photoshop Elements sibling and is the better for them. Photoshop continues to be the photo graphics ed... rating

Discreet Combustion 3.0


Discreet combustion 3 offers the creative tools, speed, and interactivity that professionals need and artists crave. Paint, animation, editing, and 3D compositing are combined in an integrated environ... rating

Guide to Bookstore Ratings


Awesome - this item rocks!


Good - a worthy addition to your arsenal.


Adequate - it'll get the job done.


Poor - but it has it's uses.


Dire - don't waste your time!


Unrated - the jury is still out

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