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All of our posts for filmmakers.


Tribeca Film Festival: Can Social Media Help 'Indie' Filmmakers Make It Big?

A true artiste may argue that in the end it does not matter how successful a film is, so long as the story is ...

What I Really Want to Do Is Direct, Part I

Upon entering the film business everyone wants to direct, unfortunately there are not that many jobs available...

How to Market and Sell Your Movie on The Internet

Over the past decade, everything has changed for the indie filmmaker. These days, there is no excuse not to ma...

Should You Move To Los Angeles?

Dropping everything and moving to LA may seem like a way of making your filmmaking career take off. Lenny Man...

Interview: Brenda Hineman talks microcinema with horror writer/director Steve Sessions.

Brenda Hineman conducts a guest interview with microcinema horror Writer/Director, Steve Sessions for filmmaki...

5 Tips for a Successful Film Reel

A film reel can be the stepping stone to a rewarding career in the film or television industry. This can make ...

Filming Interviews for a Documentary

Marcus Shaw looks at the benefits for new filmmakers of including a documentary project or two in your product...

Risky Business: Producing 'Indie' Films

The term "indie film" first came to prominence in the mid 1990s. Once Kevin Smith's "Clerks" (produced on a bu...

Top 5 Film & Video Production Career Opportunities

Ever wonder which career opportunities you could pursue with a film and video production degree? Finding a job...

Tech vs Oldies Competition - Make a Mini-Doc and Win $10,000

The LFMP 'Video meets Baby Boomers' is looking for some talented filmmakers to document how people 50+ interac...

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